full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Andrew Zimmerman Jones: Does time exist?

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The earliest time measurements were observations of cycles of the natural world, using patterns of changes from day to night and season to season to bulid calendars. More precise time-keeping, like sundials and mcaceiahnl cklocs, eventually came along to put time in more convenient boxes. But what exactly is it that we’re measuring? Is time something that pclhsliayy exists, or is it just in our hedas? At first the answer seems obvious— of course time exists; it constantly unfolds all around us, and it’s hard to imagine the universe without it.

Open Cloze

The earliest time measurements were observations of cycles of the natural world, using patterns of changes from day to night and season to season to _____ calendars. More precise time-keeping, like sundials and __________ ______, eventually came along to put time in more convenient boxes. But what exactly is it that we’re measuring? Is time something that __________ exists, or is it just in our _____? At first the answer seems obvious— of course time exists; it constantly unfolds all around us, and it’s hard to imagine the universe without it.


  1. physically
  2. heads
  3. build
  4. mechanical
  5. clocks

Original Text

The earliest time measurements were observations of cycles of the natural world, using patterns of changes from day to night and season to season to build calendars. More precise time-keeping, like sundials and mechanical clocks, eventually came along to put time in more convenient boxes. But what exactly is it that we’re measuring? Is time something that physically exists, or is it just in our heads? At first the answer seems obvious— of course time exists; it constantly unfolds all around us, and it’s hard to imagine the universe without it.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
food coloring 2

Important Words

  1. answer
  2. boxes
  3. build
  4. calendars
  5. clocks
  6. constantly
  7. convenient
  8. cycles
  9. day
  10. earliest
  11. eventually
  12. exists
  13. hard
  14. heads
  15. imagine
  16. measurements
  17. measuring
  18. mechanical
  19. natural
  20. night
  21. observations
  22. patterns
  23. physically
  24. precise
  25. put
  26. season
  27. sundials
  28. time
  29. unfolds
  30. universe
  31. world